Genealogical Sources
Surnames:  Hall / Mondy / Gill / Pults /  Sammons / Reasons / Goings (and others)
These records and files were collected from many sources.  All efforts have been made to give credit to the individuals who either wrote or own the documents and sources.  These are in no specific order, just posted as I found them.

  West Plains Gazette

July / August 1981 #13
West Plains, MO
This magazine contains many photos, histories, recollections, anecdotes, and genealogical clues from the counties near south central Missori and North Central Arkansas-- including Oregon, Howell, Ozark, & Ripley, MO; and Randolph, Sharp, & Fulton, AR counties.  This copy was given to me by my uncle Jessie T. Hall, grandson of William HALL and Mary REED.  Includes photos of Joseph "Tom" Thomas HALL
The Mondy Morning Chronicle

Published by Harrison Mondy on Monday for the Mondy's, Their Kin, Near Kin, and Friends
This newsletter is mostly an anthology of letters submitted by Mondy decendents with ancestors from the Elm Store, Randolph County, AR / Thayer, Oregon County, MO area , it is also a valuable collection of family history, anecdotes, and photos gleaned, assembled, and published in a family newsletter.
Hall Heritage

Published by:
MIke Landwehr
PDF scans of several issues (do not have all of them) published Mike Landwehr, a Hall family researcher.  It contains photos, HALL family & individual biographies.  Mostly HALL decendents of William HALL and Marry REED HALL.
Mondy Family Bible

Family Pages
contributed by
Beatrice Mondy Taylor
These are scans from the family page of the Bible belonging to James Campbell MONDY and Rhoda Alice SAMMONS
Hall Information Letter


 from Mike Landwehr
PDF scan of a letter written to the author from Mike Landwehr, a Hall family researcher.  It contains photos of Joseph Thomas "Tom" Hall and his wife Esther Ann "Annie" PULTS HALL.
Miscellaneous Hall,
 Mondy, & Gill Photos
A collection of old photos assembled from various sources.